Mega stats

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Mega stats

What is mega_stats?

mega_stats package provides functions to compute statistics on several measures of electro- and magnetoencephalographic (EEG and MEG) signals.
mega_stats enables the sample-point and sensor-wise analysis of intra and surface EEG and MEG data, but also at the distributed neural source estimations (e.g. Brainstorm ...) by means of parametric and non-parametric repeated measure anovas, between groups anovas and t-tests analyses. Clusters based permutatiosn for p-values correction is also provided.
The design to be analysed (or data model) can be of any number of experimental factors, each with multiple levels, balanced or unbalanced. The output files (F and p or -logp values for each main effect and interaction, at every data point) are in .lena or .mat formats.

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