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Getting ready to run an MEG-EEG experiment

Search here through all examples and tutorials

Contact the scientific lead of the MEG-EEG team

MEG-EEG: Nathalie George :

Design an experiment

We recommend getting in touch with an experienced researcher to design an experiment at the MEG-EEG center of the CENIR. Numerous parameters must be watched during the preparation of an experiment. These include, but are not limited to choosing an appropriate method to answer an experimental question, choosing the number and duration of the experimental trials, deciding what software to use for stimulus presentation and data analysis. The MEG-EEG center provides expert advice for the preparation and technical implementation of the recordings.

See the Useful teaching/learning material page for resources on design and analysis.

  • An agreement of the Comité pour la Protection des Personnes is absolutely required before any experimentation is conducted on humans. The application and review process are long lasting. We recommend getting in contact with a responsible person as early as possible.

  • A presentation at the "jeudis du CENIR" is compulsory before running any experiment at the CENIR.

Ethics agreement (CPP)

Les lundis du CENIR

Booking and fees


It is possible to book the MEG and EEG system  in half day slots (about 9h00 - 12h30 and 14h00 - 17h30, please consult for special needs).

  • MEG :

The booking website for MEG slots is here: It requires an access : please contact

  1. Check on the calendar that the desired slot is available.

  2. Request a specific slot by email.

  3. For any subsequent change or canceling, please get in touch with the same person as soon as possible.

  • EEG :

The booking website is an Owncloud calendar
It also requires a permission. Please contact and

  1. Check on the calendar that the desired slot is available for the room you want to book (EEG1 or EEG2).

  2. Request a specific slot by email to

  3. For any subsequent change or canceling, please get in touch with the same person as soon as possible.


Please get in contact with us.