This is a collaborative space. In order to contribute, send an email to
On any page, type the letter L on your keyboard to add a "Label" to the page, which will make search easier.
- General: describe file system, /usr/cenir etc.
- General: link to ICM portal on printing
- CENIR: maxfilter
- CENIR: pipelines: cleanup 1, 2, 3
- CENIR: manip gradiomètres magnétomètres: cleanup
- CENIR: Manipulation de marqueurs en amont de la relecture
- CENIR: Relecture
- CENIR: Fusion de données MEG- Biopac, EEG, Eyetracker
- CENIR: Causality toolbox
- CENIR: cleanup FreeSurfer segmentation
- CENIR: datahandler
- CENIR: mega toolbox
- CENIR: revoir multiconv
- CENIR: Muse
- CENIR: logiciels stimulation
- CENIR: fast_stat et fast_tf
- Brainstorm: detect events on MEG/other channels (as done in PF_MOTEUR)
- Brainstorm: d'autres tutos?
Base de connaissance
- Chapeaux IRM, TMS, fNIRS
- MEG-EEG: compléter la page systèmes d'acquisition
- IRM: revoir
- TMS: revoir
- fNIRS: revoir