Versions Compared


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 OperationInput formatSoftwareOutput formatComment / Link
1Maxfilter.fifmaxfilter.fif maxfilter
2Data import in Brainstorm.fifBrainstormBrainstorm

We use a single step of this tutorial. We import the cleaned data from previous step. Do not ignore epochs of different length.

Reading events channel, time period: 0-48000 ms

If necessary, delete the second epoch of each kind.

3Mark the onset of each movementBrainstormBrainstormBrainstorm

This part is undocumented so far. Please add!edit the link below.

Mark movement onsets with EMG

Source estimation

 OperationInput formatSoftwareOutput formatComment / Link
1MRI segmentatoindicomfreesurferfreesurferFreesurfer segmentation
2Import anatomyfreesurferBrainstormBrainstormBrainstorm tutorial
3Create a head modelBrainstormBrainstormBrainstormBrainstorm tutorial. Right click subject, compute head model.
4Source estimation (wMNE)BrainstormBrainstormBrainstormBrainstorm tutorial
