The localizers are short cognitive tasks aimed at localizing some well known activities. The localizers and the anlyzing tools ahve been developed by Jean-Philippe Lachaux's team who nicely shared the code with us.
The first localizers where done the 20/06/2018 with patient pat_02614_1073
The stimuli are sent via "presentation" software.
Fore each loca of each pat (pat_ccccc_mmmm)
- create a folder :
- Rename .TRC file as
Create TTL file
Depending on the acquisition settings, the analysis requiers different preprocessing steps to create the TTL file.
In any case, the script Localizer_getTriggers.m needs to be run, if possible step by step.
This script is calling the script Localizer_getPatInfos that needs to be updated with the patient that will be run.
This configuration is to be avoided if the triggers are not sent to Nlx and MM with through a bipolar channel
TTL are sent to Neuralynx that send them to Micromed:
- TTL numbers are all presents and with correct number
- Timings of TTL on Neuralynx are good
- Timings of TTL on Micromed have up to 200 ms delay
Solution: take timing from neuralynx and find the time delay between Neuralynx and Micromed to transpose the correct TTL timings to Micromed
Neuralynx and Micromed in parallel
Trigger only via TTL
Trigger via TTL and bipolar voltage input
Micromed direct
Convert .TRC to ELAN
Launch.exe : F:\IR-IHU-ICM\Bureautique\EpiDBS\Epimicro\ExperimentProtocol\Localizer\DataLyon\Localizer - 21-02-2018\Localizer.exe
Load .TRC file: Fichier → Charger un fichier individuel
Select File and click on 'Convert to ELAN File
Remove the .TRC file from the loca folder
Create .pos,
This is the ELAN TTL file
3 columns separated with tabs, and save it as
column 1 : sample
column 2 : TTL value
column 3 : 0
Electrodes names .eeg.ent
If some electrode have a number in the name, change the name frome the .eeg.ent to remove the number. Example: change Am2g1 to Amg1
Run analysis
Select patient folder Fichier → Ouvrir dossier patient
Load the patient folder pat_ccccc_mmmm
- Loca to analyze
- "Execute the same Analysis for each Frequency Band"
- "Generate Time Frequency Envelloppe"
- Generate Maps (trialmat)
- Generate Envellope Plots
Click on "Process Analysis"
Select chanels to analyze in the popup window
Wait until it's finished
- If electrode has a number in the name, name cut at the first number: ex Ha2g1 will be Ha2
- 2 "l" in Envelloppe"
- 2 "l" ans 1 "p" in Envellope"