The goal of this tutorial is to describe the fields of the most common data structures in fieldtrip (defined over space and time, but similar with frequency domain).
- sampleinfo: first and last sample of the data, vector (1 x 2)
- grad: information about MEG channels, structure with the following fields: balance, chanori, chanpos, chantype, chanunit, coilori, coilpos, coordsys, label, tra, type, unit
- elec: information about other channels (EEG), structure with the following fields: chanpos, chantype, chanunit, elecpos, label, unit
- cfg: information about previous fieldtrip commands executed, structure.
- grad: information about MEG channels, structure
- sampleinfo: first and last sample of the data, vector (1 x 2)
- cfg: information about previous fieldtrip commands executed, structure.
- cfg: information about previous fieldtrip commands executed, large structure.
- dof: number of input arguments, matrix (nChans x nTimePoints)
- cfg: information about previous fieldtrip commands executed, large structure.