install anaconda : https://www.anaconda.com/
create new environement ex: spikeinterface
open terminal in new environment
install spikeinterface : pip install spikeinterface[full]
if error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required.
Get it with "Microsoft C++ Build Tools": https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/ avec coché Developpement Desktop C++
if error with hdbscan : install it manuall with : pip install hdbscan
install numba pip install numba
install jupyter notebook in the environemnt via the anaconda interface -> home
in terminal go to directory where you wnt want to save the scripts a,d and launch jupyter :
jupyter notebook
install phy to visualize the outputs
conda install cython dask h5py joblib matplotlib numpy pillow pip pyopengl pyqt pyqtwebengine pytest python qtconsole requests responses scikit-learn scipy traitlets
pip install git+https://github.com/cortex-lab/phy.git