Date: 01/14/2021
Brainstorm reads all the MEG and EEG formats (no need to convert anything).
MNE python does as well read a lot of formats. Same for FieldTrip (FT).
It’s important that the datatype stay flexible so that the App will be used by many.
→ Start to write Apps reading only .fif formats? (To be discussed with Maximilien CHAUMON , Laurent HUGUEVILLE and GEORGE Nathalie) Then maybe add .ctf? Great if the App could read both .ctf and .fif files.
Réponse GEORGE Nathalie : I think it would be good to read also a (native) EEG format; beware of not being stuck with MNE also: what does FT read and write?
→ réservons un créneau avec Alex Gramfort dans quelques semaines pour lui poser toutes ces questions.
commentaire by GEORGE Nathalie : please also consider the hdf5 format as possible format (; already in Brainstorm (to check).
Outputs of Apps
What datatypes? If the code is in Matlab or Python, the datatype may change (to be discussed during another meeting).