Date: 01/14/2021
Brainstorm reads all the MEG and EEG formats (no need to convert anything).
MNE python does as well read a lot of formats. Same for FieldTrip (FT).
It’s important that the datatype stay flexible so that the App will be used by many.
→ Start to write Apps reading only .fif formats? (To be discussed with Maximilien CHAUMON and GEORGE Nathalie) Then maybe add .ctf? Great if the App could read both .ctf and .fif files.
Réponse GEORGE Nathalie : I think it would be good to read also a (native) EEG format; beware of not being stuck with MNE also: what does FT read and write?
→ réservons un créneau avec Alex Gramfort dans quelques semaines pour lui poser toutes ces questions.
commentaire by GEORGE Nathalie : please also consider the hdf5 format as possible format (; already in Brainstorm (to check).
Outputs of Apps
What datatypes? If the code is in Matlab or Python, the datatype may change (to be discussed during another meeting).