MEG-eye tracker-joystick experiment (GAMMA)

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MEG-eye tracker-joystick experiment (GAMMA)


This experiment, examines motor planning and control. MEG data is recorded while subjects move a cursor on screen with help of a joystick. Various motion parameters are manipulated on screen so as to examine the dynamics of motor control.


This experiment uses

  • MEG (306 sensors)
  • eye tracking (x,y position)
  • joystick 2D position (x,y position)


MEG and eye tracker data are merged "out of the box". The raw input is thus a .fif file with 308 data channels (306 MEG + x & y eye position).

The joystick data is inserted. Evoked fields are computed by condition. An anatomical MRI is used to model sources using minimum norm estimate in Brainstorm. Time-frequency source estimates are computed in FieldTrip (using DICS). ANOVAs are used to highlight ROIs. Connectivity between ROIs is estimated with imaginary coherence. Statistical inference is drawn using MEGanova.


 OperationInput formatSoftwareOutput formatComment / Link
1Merge joystick and MEG.fifdataHandler -merge.fifdata with MEG, eye tracker, joystick. Datahandler
3Detect saccades.fifFieldTrip.fifAsk script to Former user (Deleted)
4Mark bad data segments.fifMuse.fifReview data with Muse
5Manipulate markers to create conditions.fifdataHandler -adm.fif
  • Creating conditions with dataHandler
6Run ICA and reject blink and cardiac components.fifFieldTrip and custom script.fifBlink and cardiac artifact scripts
7Create Evoked fields.fifdataHandler -sync -rbp.fif
  • Using dataHandler to create ERFs


OperationInput formatSoftwareOutput formatComment / Link
1Segment T1 MRI.dic or otherrecon-all (Freesurfer)freesurfer folder
  • Segment MRI with Freesurfer
2Import MEG and structural in BrainstormBrainstorm supported typesBrainstormBrainstorm internal
  • Data import in Brainstorm
3Minimum norm estimateBrainstorm internalBrainstormBrainstorm internalSee tutorials 20 and following of the Brainstorm tutorials
4Project sources on templateBrainstorm internalBrainstormBrainstorm internal

See tutorial on Brainstorm website

5Temporal averagesBrainstorm internalBrainstorm?Brainstorm internal?

ask Former user (Deleted) how he did it

6ROI design with statisticsBrainstorm internalMegAnovaBrainstorm internal
  • Using statistics to define ROIs in Brainstorm

FieldTrip source space time-frequency analysis

 OperationInput formatSoftwareOutput formatComment / Link
1Import fif into FieldTrip.fifFieldTripFieldTrip .matImport .fif into FieldTrip
2Run DICS source reconstruction(any)FieldTripFieldTrip .matLocalizing oscillatory sources using beamformer techniques
3Run ANOVAs on TF windows of interestFieldTrip .matMegAnova???Using Meganova to run ANOVAs
4Compute ROI imaginary coherenceFieldTrip .matFieldTripFieldTrip.matCausality analysis in FieldTrip

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