Get a badge and a computer account to start with...

New comers shall follow these guidelines for a smooth start at the center.

The CENIR access is reserved to registered people. In order to get a badge, please send a ticket (Ccing your team leader) the following information:

In order to get a computer account at the center, please contact Laurent HUGUEVILLE.

Your account should be created with the following specifications, to be expressed in a FEB sent by Laurent HUGUEVILLE:

A dedicated analysis room is located on the 1st floor, room 1001.

Super easy to contribute to this website! get in touch with Maximilien CHAUMON

After opening a terminal in a Linux environment @ICM, run this:


Subscribe to the mailing list of the MEG-EEG center.

A place to exchange on various questions, mainly related to the implementation and analysis of experiments.

Click here or send an email to with subscribe cenir_meeg in the subject.

Enable using Max’s command line tools

After opening a terminal in a Linux environment @ICM, run this:


Close the terminal to finalize the setup.

After this, whenever you need to use some of Maximilien CHAUMON command line tools, just type maxtools in a terminal and you should be good to go!