Select File and click on 'Convert to ELAN File
Run analysis
Generate Time Frequency Enveloppe
Select . eeg file: Fichier → Charger un fichier individuel
- eeg file name
- "Execute the same Analysis for each Frequency Band"
- "Generate Time Frequency Envelloppe"
Click on "Process Analysis"
Select chanels to analyze in the popup window
Generate Maps and Plots
Select patient folder Fichier → Ouvrir dossier patient
- frequency bands to analyze
- Generate Maps (trialmat)
- Generate Envellope Plots
- If electrode has a number in the name, name cut at the first number: ex Ha2g1 will be Ha2
- 2 "l" in Envelloppe"
- 2 "l" ans 1 "p" in Envellope"