% if Nlx TTLs evts, read event and define idx start and end of each loca in Localizer_getPatInfos
% [TTL_Timestamps, EventIDs, TTL_ID, Extras, EventStrings, Header] = Nlx2MatEV(fullfile(NlxPath, 'Events.nev'), [1 1 1 1 1], 1, 1, [] );
% if Nlx TTLs evts, read event and define idx start and end of each loca in Localizer_getPatInfos
% [TTL_Timestamps, EventIDs, TTL_ID, Extras, EventStrings, Header] = Nlx2MatEV(fullfile(NlxPath, 'Events.nev'), [1 1 1 1 1], 1, 1, [] );